sexta-feira, 18 de março de 2011

Exercícios para 7ª e 8ª Séries

Hi guys! How are you?
Como a próxima prova está chegando, estou postando os execícios para vocês praticarem!
Let's go...
Exercícios de Present Simple:
I) Complete o texto usando os verbos em parênteses usando o presente simples.
Mandy ________(play) tennis every Saturday. She _______(love) it. She ________(practice) a lot. She _____(want) to be a professional player. Mandy ______(go) to school in the morning. She ______(do) homework in the afternoons. At night she _______(watch) a video or she _______(visit) her friends. She _______(sleep) early. On weekends She ______(drive) her car and sometimes she ________(travel) to the beach.
II) Complete os espaços com DO ou DOES.
a) _______ you love me?
b) _______ we have classes today?
c) _______ Carla have a car?
d) _______ the teacher speak English?
e) _______ your parents love you?
Vamos agora ao Present Continuous...
Ex; Carla is reading now.
Ex2: I am studying at the moment.
I) Complete as frases usando os verbos em parênteses no present contínuo.
a) Jim _______________(watch) TV now.
b) I ________________(go) to the shopping Mall.
c) He _______________(do) homework.
d) The teacher ___________(come).
II) Transforme as sentenças em questões.
Ex: She is sleeping.
     Is she sleeping?
a) You are getting old (ficando velho). ____________________________?
b) Barbara is listening to music. ________________________________?
c) The students are playing video game. __________________________?
Agora, coloque as sentenças positivas em negativas.
Ex: I'm reading a book now. I'm not reading a book now.
      She is going to the movies. She isn't going to the movies.
a) We are eating pizza now. _______________________________.
b) The teacher is teaching French. _________________________________________.
c) My cat is dreaming. __________________________________________________.
Good luck.
See you soon.

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